Thank you United Way for a $25,000 grant to increase our advocacy services for the homeless!
Pictured above are l-r Brenda Emmerth, Broadway Office Manager; Marshall Smith, Volunteer Homeless Advocate; Rachel Alford, United Way Community Impact Director; Kim Oldenburg, Staff Homeless Advocate; and Jim Baxter, Community Navigator for United Way One Roof Southeast.
See the South Bend Tribune article below:​
All activities and services are presented without regard to race, age, color, religion, sex, disability, national origin, ancestry or status as a veteran.
Join us on Sundays:
10:30 a.m.
Sunday Worship
9 a.m. Men's Group
10 a.m. Adult
Sunday School
1412 Carroll St.
South Bend, IN 46613
(574) 289-0333
We have an urgent need for
new underwear for our guests!
Men's - S, M, L
Women's - S, M
Please drop them off at our office between 8 a.m. and 12 noon Monday-Thursday. Thank you!
Current Needs

Anthem grant supports transportation to medical appointments
Broadway received a $1,000 grant from Anthem to provide transportation for guests to get to medical appointments. L-r above: Komonique Thomas; Brenda Emmerth, Broadway Office Manager; Kim Oldenburg, Staff Homeless Advocate; and Brian Cobb. Both Brian and Komonique are Community Service Representatives for Anthem.
The grant, written by Kim Oldenburg, provides critical funds for Broadway guests. Thank you Anthem!
Hospitality 8-10:30 a.m. Monday-Thursday
Office 8-1 Monday-Thursday


In memorium...
Peter Walshe, long-time member of Broadway, passed away on March 9, 2025 at the age of 91. Peter was professor emeritus in the Department of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame. Both a lifetime away and a world apart, he was born in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1934. He moved in childhood to Bulawayo in what was then the British colony of Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). In Bulawayo, he attended Milton School finishing up as Head Boy/Head of School. He was a member of the South African Schools’ Cricket XI.
In 1952, he ‘went up’ to the University of Oxford, Wadham College, studying PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics). At university, he played cricket at an international level gaining three Oxford ‘blues’. Most importantly, whilst at Oxford, he met a nursing student, Ann Pettifer, the one love of his life and his wife of 68 years. They married young in 1957.
He taught for a short period at Pius XII Catholic University College in Basutoland (now Lesotho) and then first came to the University of Notre Dame to teach in 1962. A young family was now in tow. Supported by Notre Dame, he completed a doctorate at Saint Anthony’s College, University of Oxford, returning to Notre Dame in 1967. For the next four decades, he was a dedicated professor and teacher, receiving the Sheedy Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2004. In 1979 he was the first recipient of the university’s Grenville Clark Award for service to advance the cause of peace and human rights.
His academic areas included African Nationalism, Church and State, the politics and history of Sub-Saharan Africa and Christian Socialism. Over the decades, he brought immense moral idealism to his teaching. To some, including cynics, this may at times have come across as naive. He was, however, very often on the right side of history. During his tenure, he did have profound disagreements with the university administration. Most notably, during the South African Apartheid years, he pushed unsuccessfully for complete university divestment from a cruel political entity. On a much happier note, for two decades, he organized and treasured a campus summer institute for missionaries heading to Africa. While never completely at home in the United States (and ill at ease with its version of capitalism), he was always immensely grateful to Notre Dame. It was a privilege for him to teach generations of Notre Dame students. Also, the university was the foundation for his and Ann’s wonderful long friendships within the university and wider South Bend community.
During his last year, which was characterized by worsening frailty, he showed gentleness, dignity and courage. He will be remembered by his family and friends as a kind man and extremely honorable soul. He is survived by his wife, Ann, four children (Sally, Jane, Dominic and Emma) and four grandchildren (Charlotte, Arabella, Lillian and Gwyneth).
Our Pastor

Rev. Cindy Uhrich
Our Guiding Principle
Broadway Christian Parish is a United Methodist congregation called by God to minister to the Southeast Neighborhood of South Bend, Indiana. Believing in the sacred and equal worth of all people, we celebrate God’s grace with acts of hospitality, love, acceptance, respect, service and advocacy. These acts are rooted in our faith in Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit and strengthened by our worship, which is centered on the Word and weekly celebration of the Eucharist.

Broadway's ministries are in need of funds and items for our hospitality room! Please consider donating today!